Solution February 21, 2007
Show that there exist infinitely many square-free positive integers n that divide 2005n − 1.
Note: The proof that follows uses some basic facts about the greatest common divisor (
Lemma: for positive integers a,n and m,
Proof: Assume (1) is wrong. Then there is a counterexample (a,n,m) that minimizes n + m. If n = m then (1) is true because gcd(x,x) = x for all x, so . Without loss of generality, we can assume n < m. But then
But (n − m) + m < n + m so we can apply (1) to get
contrary to our assumption that (a,n,m) is a counterexample.
In particular, if p and q are different primes, then
Let us now turn to the problem. Consider the factorization of a solution,
. Note that
Obviously ('s_little_theorem),
we can not hope for infinitely many solutions to .
However we can arrange that and
. This solves the problem because then each prime
factor of n divides 2005n − 1, and n is square-free. We can accomplish this as follows:
Define p1 = 3, p2 = 13 and for k > 1, where P(n) denotes the smallest prime divisor of n.
Claim: This defines a sequence of distinct primes such that .
Proof: A quick calculation shows that and
. For i > 1,
is true by construction.
In order to show that the primes are distinct, assume that pi = pj for some minimal i < j.
- If i = 1 and j = 2, then
by definition.
- If i = 1 and j > 2 then
because j was chosen to be minimal, so that
, so
- If i > 1 then
, by minimality of i and j, and
We have a contradiction in each case, proving our claim.
It is also true that for all i so we can define the infinite sequence of distinct square-free numbers
that all satisfy . This completes the solution.