Solution Nov. 22, 2006

For a positive rational \frac{m}{n} define

a_{\frac{m}{n}} = \frac{a_m}{a_n}

This is well defined because

a_{\frac{km}{kn}} = \frac{a_{km}}{a_{kn}} =  \frac{a_k a_m}{a_k a_n} =  \frac{a_m}{a_n}

It's similarly easy to show that it's monotonic and multiplicative.

For a positive real x define

a_x = \sup \{ a_{\frac{m}{n}} : \frac{m}{n} < x \}

It's again easy to show that x \to a_x is monotonic and multiplicative.

Now, x \to \log a_{\exp(x)} is monotone and additive, so by a standard theorem (which is easy to prove - it's obvious for rational x and then follows for real x by continuity) is of the form x \to \alpha x

Hence an = exp(αlogn) = nα as desired.