Solution for January 6, 2007

Find all natural numbers a,b,c\, greater than one such that (a-1)(b-1)(c-1)\, divides abc-1\, exactly.

Proof by landen

I couldn't find a nice hand proof so I used the computer to help.

First result was that (a,b,c) = (2,2,2),(2,2,4),(2,4,8),\, or (3,5,15)\, are the only solutions for a,b,\, and c\, all less than 101.\,

Let k=\frac{abc-1}{(a-1)(b-1)(c-1)} = {{1-{{1}\over{a\,b\,c}}}\over{-{{1}\over{a\,b\,c}}+{{1}\over{b\,c}}  +{{1}\over{a\,c}}-{{1}\over{c}}+{{1}\over{a\,b}}-{{1}\over{b}}-{{1  }\over{a}}+1}}

If k=2,\, then (a,b,c)\, are all odd and a\, is at least 3.\, k\, is decreasing as (b,c)\, increase. So for a=3,\ (b,c)>(99,99) we have k<1.54\, which is a contradiction. So for k=2\, the only solution is (3,5,15)\,

If a=2\, or a=3\, we have k=2\, for additional solutions by numerical calculation.

If (a,b,c)>(4,4,4)\, then k=2\, for additional solutions.

Since all k=2\, solutions are known there are no others.
