Solutions for Dec. 30, 2006

f(x)\, and g(x)\, are real valued functions defined on all of \mathbb{R}\,. f(x)\, is not always 0. |f(x)|\leq1.\,

For all x,y\in \mathbb{R},\, f(x+y)+f(x-y)=2\,f(x)\,g(y).

Show that |g(x)|\leq 1.

Solution by i_c-Y

Since |f(x)|\, is bounded it has a least upper bound(lub) which we can call c.\, This follows from an axiom for the real numbers. ( c\, is positive because f(x)\, is not always zero.

As a premise for contradiction we assume that there is some fixed y,\, such that |g(y)|>1.\,

|f(x+y)+f(x-y)| \leq |f(x+y)|+|f(x-y)| \leq 2\,c by the triangle inequality. Therefore the lub of |f(x+y)+f(x-y)| \leq 2\,c.

The lub of |f(x+y)+f(x-y)| =\, the lub of 2\,|f(x)|\,|g(y)|=2\,c\,|g(y)|\leq 2\,c

c=\frac{c}{|g(y|)}\, This contradicts our assumption that there is a y\, such that |g(y)| >1.\, Recall that c\, cannot be zero.
