Design a Tin Can (harder pre-cal but easy calc)
Design a tin can so that the total area including a top and bottom is minimized for a required volume. The can has radius r and height h.
The reason for changing variables was to choose a nice a which will make u unitless and make the problem generic since the numerical value of V has nothing to do with the essence of the problem. Also, we can get rid of the π so that the function to minimize is easy to study. The value of a landen picked is not as arbitrary as it looks at first and there was some experimentation with the substitution using Maxima ( to find a good one.
Now all we need to do is minimize:
A little playing around with a calculator suggest that the minimum value is f(u) = 3 and that this happens when u = 1. So we rewrite f(u) to emphasize 3 and 1 and we hit the jackpot.
In this form it is obvious that the minimum value of f(u) = 3 and this happens when u = 1.